In issue 3 of the presented by the moderator Hagen von Ortloff DVD series " model railway TV " from the house " Rio Grande video " or the publishing group , a railway over 8 minutes long contribution employed (about 80MB ! ) With Zittau model Railroad Club eV two club facilities and their details . Published with the kind permission of the editors ' model railway TV " .

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Barter and trade exchange for railway products Eisenbahnartikel,
Flyer & Visitenkarte downloaden buyers and sellers of the page close to each other on their own responsibility contracts . The operator of the website is not a party of contracts concluded between users . Only buyer and seller are obligated under these contracts and legitimate .

Advertisement! - Advertise ! - Buy & Sell ! Discuss - This to be! With us you can ads for buying and selling model trains, orig. Railways and heritage railways switch ! Buy railway products and sell ! Once a railroad, railroad always . The one already start in the nursery with a wooden train , some later with the classics - the model railway. The brings fans of all divisions and age groups together on a common platform .
Here it is now possible to used rail products to advertise and sell targeted in this way. Of course a car is another way out of it around : Online can find real bargains and rare rarities.
Railwaymen are a very unique "tribes " . They usually last a lifetime remain faithful to their vocation and deal over the years very intensively with their hobby. Not infrequently, screws and tinker them all their lives on their model train and build in your own hobby room all scenarios together .
The problem is that there are often no longer are the necessary accessories in a shop or in the online store . Or is it so expensive that every single purchase must be weighed carefully . An alternative is to look for the required accessories at . The new portal collects the ads for sale of many individuals and small traders and puts them online to shop . Holger Schmitz: "Now to start quite a few items are of course still registered . But once the word spreads the existence of the portal in the hobby railroad , the offer will grow rapidly . "
The are already before a clear structuring system . New listings can be divided into the sections " model trains ", " railway ", " wooden trains ," sort " Playmobil railway " or " Lego " . However, advertisements can set only registered users.
Potential buyers are led by navigating the offer. In making prospects for about model trains, as they can in the next outline level specifically for "spare parts" , "Digital Systems" , " signals " or " bearing plates " look , to name just a few of the subcategories by name.
Beyond the mere Buy & Sell Offer addition, the a glossary of technical terms from the railway jargon , a forum for the exchange of ideas among peers , links on the topic and homemade videos of railwaymen . A chat is now available .
Holger Schmitz: "We would like to be a meeting place for all professing railwaymen who buy and sell not only used items among peers , but also arrive to upload videos of their facilities to provide urgent questions in the forum and chatting with others experts to discuss.
Here you can ad link here ! Please contact us at Contact.
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